Etsy Summer Wish List

I love Etsy, the online shop for crafters to sell their creations.

I have my own little shop on the site Leafy Lane Designs selling planner inserts and dividers but I am overwhelmed by the skill and creativity of so many people.

I believe we all have the desire to create in our own unique way, be that painting, sculpting, cooking, singing, writing etc. I strongly believe that we should support independent crafters and recently read this that a friend had posted on Facebook:

It is so true for myself and some of my friends who have their own small businesses. It really makes a big impact on our lives and yes my business does pay for the food on our table and for my two daughters to go to ballet lessons!
Last Christmas I really wanted to give my family gifts that came from the heart and weren't last minute 3 for 2 gifts from Boots. It so happened that an old school friend of mine had started his own woodwork business and I loved the look of some of the items he had made. I commissioned him to make several Christmas gifts including these wonderful coasters and beautiful heart dish.
I have made myself a summer list of items I currently love and would like to buy. It is however a wish list as my budget will not stretch to everything. Hopefully I can purchase a couple of them but in the meantime I am showing my appreciation and love to the small business owners who made and/or sell them.



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